Contact Infinite Renewables



Wind turbine supply

Mobile turbine solutions

Island & microgrid renewable energy centres

Renewable water generator systems

Remote Power Systems

Island and Microgrid Renewable Energy Centres

Distributed energy (DE) is a way of generating and distributing energy close to where it’s used. DE is ideal for use in commercial and industrial settings and can include multi technology generation to create a Renewable Energy Centre. Infinite’s award-winning Energy Centre designs for commercial applications integrate local energy generation, energy storage and smart metering across a micro-grid.


Commercial Microgrid Energy Centres

Based on a site’s individual energy requirements and geographic location, Infinite’s Energy Centres are designed to source power from multiple generation technologies such as wind turbines, solar photovoltaics (ground mounted or roof mounted installations) and combined heat and power units together with battery storage. Our Energy Centres generate and distribute heat and power via private networks and microgrids, providing ground-breaking and innovative solutions for commercial and industrial energy consumers.

Infinite can offer fully funded Energy Centre solutions for eligible schemes to enable commercial and industrial consumers to take advantage of low cost, green power, without any capital outlay.


Island and Off Grid Energy Centres

Infinite also offers an off-grid design and delivery capability for integrated renewable technologies on island projects. Island schemes can present many additional challenges including:

  • Logistics
  • Availability of infrastructure to receive, transport and install renewable energy technologies
  • Unreliable grid or no grid
  • Aggressive operational environment for hardware
  • Extreme weather phenomena in many islands
  • Limited space for deployment of renewable energy

Infinite has the experience, the specialist supply partners and the in-house capability to overcome these challenges and deliver sustainable, renewable solutions for island projects.



Infinite Renewables sets up Community Fund

Infinite Renewables sets up Community Fund

Wind turbine at Nant Y Gwyddon Local Energy Centre (under construction in 2023) Tyrbin gwynt yng Nghanolfan Ynni Leol Nant y Gwyddon (yn cael ei adeiladu yn 2023) Infinite Renewables, in partnership...

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