Contact Infinite Renewables


Rexon Cross, Devon – Microgrid

Rexon Cross MicrogridInfinite developed the EWT 500kW turbine scheme at Rexon Cross Farm in Devon in 2016. The turbine installed is an EWT wind turbine measuring 67m to blade tip. South West Water (SWW) approached Infinite about the viability of supplying the wind turbine power via a microgrid to the pumping station at the nearby Roadford Dam. The project involved the development of a private wire with SWW and a microgrid to supply power to the pumping station.

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was eventually agreed with SWW and the private wire microgrid completed in February 2024.

The turbine installed by Infinite now plays a part in supplying drinking water to people in the South West and helps SWW achieve their ambition of becoming Net Zero by 2030. Infinite has ambitions to extend the microgrid to supply the offices and accommodation at Roadford Dam.


Wind Turbine

Date Location
2016 Devon

Project Category

Rexon Cross Microgrid