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Poster competition helps children understand the environmental benefits of clean energy

We are delighted to announce that our Clean Energy competition for Year 6 classes at schools in our six Local Energy catchment areas in south Wales has attracted many entries.

In partnership with The Royal Mint and funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Albion Community Power, the competition was launched in November and closed at the end of January.  The entries will be submitted to the naturalist and broadcaster Iolo Williams to judge with pupils from the winning classes being invited to The Royal Mint Experience for a tour and bespoke sustainability workshop.

Andrew Crossman, Director at Infinite, said that this competition will allow us to develop our links with local schools and help children to understand the concept and environmental benefits of clean energy as Wales moves towards a Zero Carbon future.

Briff Newyddion

8 Chwefror 2023

Cystadleuaeth poster yn helpu plant i ddeall manteision amgylcheddol ynni glân

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod ein cystadleuaeth Ynni Glân ar gyfer dosbarthiadau Blwyddyn 6 mewn ysgolion yn ein chwe talgylch Ynni Lleol yn ne Cymru wedi denu nifer o geisiadau.

Mewn partneriaeth â The Royal Mint ac a ariannwyd gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop ac Albion Community Power, lansiwyd y gystadleuaeth ym mis Tachwedd ac fe gaeodd ar ddiwedd Ionawr. Bydd y gwaith yn cael ei gyflwyno i’r naturiaethwr a’r darlledwr Iolo Williams i feirniadu gyda disgyblion o’r dosbarthiadau buddugol yn cael eu gwahodd i The Royal Mint Experience ar gyfer taith a gweithdy cynaliadwyedd pwrpasol.

Dywedodd Andrew Crossman, Cyfarwyddwr Infinite, y bydd y gystadleuaeth hon yn caniatáu inni ddatblygu ein cysylltiadau gydag ysgolion lleol a helpu plant i ddeall cysyniad a manteision amgylcheddol ynni glân wrth i Gymru symud tuag at ddyfodol Di-Garbon.

8 Feb, 2023