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Infinite celebrates the completion of its energy centre project at the Senedd

Jane Dodds, Senedd Regional Member for Mid and West Wales hosted an event at the Senedd on Tuesday, the 10th of October to celebrate the completion of Infinite’s Local Energy Centre project and other renewables achievements.

Inga Doak, Head of Sustainability at the Royal Mint, Paul Loran, Director, Octopus Energy Generation and Octopus Energy for Business and Marco Yu, Head of Renewables, Albion Capital Group addressed Members of the Senedd, strategic partners and clients.

Andrew Crossman, Director at Infinite, explained how Infinite brought together multi-technology generation within a local microgrid network, to allow renewable and low carbon power to directly benefit the local community. He stressed that the success of the ground breaking Local Energy Centre project was based on innovation and collaboration between all parties – technology providers, suppliers, energy off-takers, funders, local authorities and Government.

Iestyn Morgan, Co-Director at Infinite outlined other renewable energy solutions such as  mobile wind turbines energy solutions and renewable Electric Vehicle charging station.

L – R in Image – Jane Dodds MS, Andrew Crossman Infinite Director, Vaughan Gething MS, Inga Doak Head of Sustainability at The Royal Mint

17 Oct, 2023