Contact Infinite Renewables


Aviation House, Bridgend – Planning Consultancy – Solar and Wind

Infinite have been working with Willis Asset Management to bring renewable energy to their headquarters at Aviation House in Bridgend. A Feasibility Study was undertaken and recommended that a mixed-technology development, integrating solar and wind would be suitable for the site consumption profile.  The proposal would provide Willis Asset Management with an opportunity to reduce their environmental impact, reduce energy costs and contribute towards the Welsh Government’s and Bridgend County Council’s targets for renewable energy generation.

The first phase of the development is a 0.5MW ground mounted solar farm, which was granted planning consent in October 2024.

The second phase is the installation of an 80kW wind turbine. Aviation House maintains aircraft jet engines and Willis wanted the turbine to represent their specialist sector. Infinite took on the concept and produced a unique jet engine design for the turbine nacelle that represented Willis Assets services at Aviation House.  The planning application was submitted in December 2024 and is pending a decision.

Together the solar farm and wind turbine will provide Aviation House with a direct supply of green energy, supplying them with more than 85% of their on-site energy demand.

Infinite are designing, managing and submitting the planning applications for the site.  Infinite will also project manage the construction of the development and maintain the solar and wind turbine thereafter.

Aviation House Planning Consultancy Aviation House Planning Consultancy


Wind Solar
Wind Turbine Solar PV

Date Location
Vale of Glamorgan

Project Category

Aviation House Planning Consultancy